equity valuation Cosmic Capital's Equity Advisory - Equity Valuation Solutions
Determining the value of a business is one of the most complicated and the most crucial tasks. The question "How much is your company worth?" is often asked in times of transitions and great uncertainty. The decisions taken based on the valuation can have serious consequences. Company valuations consist of determining the value today of a company's future earnings potential and the risk, threats of those future earnings. One must forecast future earnings and assess risk. Forecasts and risk assessment require in-depth research and analysis, and due diligence. Access to and use of innovative research techniques and information technology are imperative. Effective and reliable valuations depend on excellent research and creativity.

equity research

Cosmic Capital Group is a premier independent provider of business valuations and valuation advisory services, both domestically and internationally. We are committed to performing business valuations that are comprehensive, articulate and prepared to withstand the most stringent third party scrutiny. Our services include the followings:

  • Fixed Asset & Real Estate valuation
  • Transaction Advisory Services
  • Strategic Finance Services

A typical corporate valuation report from Cosmic Capital Group includes:

  • Financials - Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows & Balance Sheet
  • Publicly Traded, M&A Comparables
  • Net Present Value Free Cash Cash Flow and WACC
  • Cost of Capital, Capitalization and PWERM Probability Expected Return Method
  • CVM Current Value Method and OPM Option Pricing Method

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