  1. Cosmic Capital Group's Client Profile Application - Use this form to start your engagement inquiry/application with us
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  1. Understanding Private Equity Terminology - Private Equity "101"
  1. Procter & Gamble Prospectus - A 2,000,000,000.00 Underwriting Case Study
  2. Deloitte Touche - Global Trends in Venture Capital Global Report (Technology, Media & Telecommunications)
  3. Asia Society - Asia's Next Challenge: Securing The Region's Water Future by Asia Society
  4. IEE Japan - The Recent Overview and Prospects of Nuclear Power Policy and Industrial Strategies in the UK, Italy and Sweden
  5. Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre APERC - Understanding Energy In China
  6. APERC - Energy Efficiency in the APEC Region - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation about
  7. Brookings Institution - 21st Century Defense Initiative - The Air Force's Role In Irregular Warfare and Counterinsurgency
  8. Global Policy Institute - The Emerging Pacific Asian Economies and The Financial Crisis
  9. Europe Global Policy - The Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration - Structural Shortcomings in an Experimental Form Of International Governance
  10. McKensy Quarterly Articles - The next step in open innovation: The creation of knowledge, products, and services by online communities of companies and consumers is still in its earliest stages. Who knows where will it lead?
  11. McKensey Quarterly Articles - eGovernment 2.0: Despite spending enormous amounts on Web-based initiatives, government agencies often fail to meet users' needs online. By employing new governance models, investing in web capabilities, and embracing user participation, agencies can raise the effectiveness of their online presence
  12. CosmicCAP Whitepaper - Corporate Best Practices: Business Application Remediation Programs