CosmicCAP Application Services Architecture offers the following services:
Architecture Strategy and Assessment: We establish a clear vision, principles, standards, and a roadmap to
prioritize and manage the technologies that support your business. Our approach includes identifying a foundational
technology architecture that optimizes custom software implementation and system integration, enhancing scalability
and performance.
Software Engineering: Our team is at the forefront of incubating new capabilities in business application and
system development. We engage in thorough research, analysis, and testing of technological advancements, developing
expertise in open source technologies, Platform as a Service (PaaS), and modern web application development.
Legacy System Migration: We utilize advanced automation techniques to transition legacy systems to contemporary
Java or .Net frameworks. Our objective is to empower clients to leverage new technologies, facilitating their entry into
new markets and expansion of their market share.
DevOps: By integrating governance and automation, we optimize collaboration between development and operations
teams. Our DevOps strategy aims to lower IT operational costs and increase the speed, predictability, and resilience of
deployments. This enhancement is achieved through heightened automation and the strategic use of tools.