OpenIT solutions
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In recent years, disruptive players, ranging from over-the-top (OTT) entities to super platforms have frequently offered differentiating and competing services, while in many cases exhibiting a significantly leaner operating model through the use of IT operations paradigms. Given these circumstances, service providers and enterprises are being required to rethink their business and operating models. One of the key components of the provider’s and enterprise’s new thinking should be the accelerated phase-out of legacy framework in favor of a new framework that will enable them to operate in tomorrow’s fragmented world, with its plenitude of players.

Open IT presents open IT interconnection oITi - type layer model of the “Digital World,” combined with the different roles the provider can play and the key initiatives required in order to make the new model a reality. The model, once implemented, will transform providers and enterprises into true digital services providers. This new model is not merely a view of the technology layers of the new oITi-layer model; it also reflects a new understanding of the business model that addresses all the underlying layers of the new oITi network model. This new model starts with organization, processes and technology, and extends to partnerships, skill sets, and requisite innovation and delivery methodologies.